Releases of Dataflow and eZ Dataflow bundles are ready to use!

Clavier import export

3 Nov 2019


In 2010, Jérome Vieilledent released the famous SQLIImport extension (thanks to him). This extension, developed for eZ Publish, ease your application to automatically mass import content from external sources in a variety of formats.

This famous extension has seduced many projects by its simplicity of implementation and its extensibility. For this, it is simply necessary to create an import handler for each data source, call the import command from the crontab, et voilà: you import your contents regularly into eZ Publish and you can manipulate them from the administration interface.

Since the technical migration of eZ Publish's kernel to Symfony in 2013, no real candidate replacement solution has been released. But the use of SQLIImport in a modern project is problematic: it is only compatible with eZ Publish legacy, and therefore requires the use of the LegacyBridge bundle to work in an eZ Platform project. This community bundle is still maintained by the publisher, but will no longer be compatible with the 3+ versions of eZ Platform.

Many of our customers trusted us to migrate their eZ Publish 5.4 projects to eZ Platform 2.x without using LegacyBridge. To meet these demands, the design and development of a successor to SQLIImport proved necessary.

That's why, after many weeks of research and development, Code Rhapsodie now offers Dataflow Bundle, a durable and extensible import / export solution for Symfony, and eZ Dataflow Bundle, its integration into eZ Platform.

Dataflow Bundle provides your Symfony projects with an extensible solution for processing your data feeds, imports, exports, or mass internal operations. Dataflow Bundle eases the writing of your treatments, their execution, and provides a scheduler to schedule their launch. The use goes exclusively through Symfony commands, without however prohibiting the development of your own web administration interface.

A dataflow represents a treatment to be performed. It contains a reader, one or more steps and one or more writers. Configuring the periodicity of running a Dataflow uses the DateInterval format of PHP.

eZ Dataflow Bundle integrates the Dataflow Bundle for specific uses related to eZ Platform such as the administration interface and the registration or modification of eZ content.

This project is open to the Symfony community and eZ Platform with the support of Code Rhapsodie and you now have no excuse to keep your legacy administration interface alive.
We are waiting for your feedback or suggestions on the GitHub of our projects.

We will soon share with you use cases for our bundles.